Hieranoid 2 output ------------------ QfO 2018: for reference proteomes from ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/reference_proteomes/QfO/QfO_release_2018_04.tar.gz using Blast 2.2.18 and the provided tree. The tree was provided by Adrian Altenhoff and was generated by: 1. build MSAs with mafft for all OMA Groups that had at least 25 species 2. concatinate MSAs 3. infer ML tree using RAxML using the NCBI multifurcating speciestree as a backend tree (-g option in raxml) QfO 2011: for reference proteomes from ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/reference_proteomes/previous_releases/qfo_release-2011_04/2011_04_reference_proteomes.tar.gz using Blast 2.2.18 and the provided tree. Pairs may be generated from OGTrees with the OGparse package, available on request.